Kamis, 12 Juli 2012



Love will stand in line and always wait faithfully
Love looks for the good in others Love doesn't want what others have, and it doesn't brag about what it  does have
Love is polite, even when the other person is rude
Love doesn't have to be the first
Love doesn't get angry over small things, and it doesn't remember one reason after another to be hurt
Love isn't happy when someone else fails but is happy with the truth
Love will always protect others, especially those who are often picked on or teased
Love always believes the best about others and is steady and true
Love never gives up

If I can speak beautifully and sing like an angel but I don't love others, I sound like a child banging on piano or a screeching radio. If I'm very smart and almost genius maybe but don't love others, I am nothing.

The three most important things are hope, faith and love, but the greatest of these is love.

Getting to know Jesus Christ

For Christians, you must know who is Jesus Christ, then i'll explain it for simple, look at the dialogue below..

Question : Who is Jesus Christ?
Answer : He is God's son, when Adam and Eve enter the world and disobeyed God, sins was born and we got something that we can't resist, and that is death. Then God sent His son Jesus christ to make thing right again. Jesus was bor about 2000 years ago and lived in the part of the world that now we call Holy Land. When Jesus was about thirty years old, he began to teach God's words and perform miracles to people. 3 or 4 years later, Jesus was nailed to a cross to die for us so our sins can be forgiven and when we die, we're able to enter the Heaven. When the people who loved Him went to His grave three days after His death, Jesus wasn't there. He came back to life just like what He said.

Question : Where is Jesus now?
Answer : Jesus is in Heaven with God, His father, after Jesus came back to life, God brought Him back to Heaven. But he didn't leave us alone in the earth. He sent His own spirit that what we call now Holy Spirit to encourage us when we feel like giving up, to help us care about other people when we sometimes don't feel like it, and to tell us taht Jesus will always love us.

Question : Why did Jesus have to die?
Answer : It was all part of God's great plan. You see, we all deserve to be punished because of our sins, but God loved us so much and He sent Jesus, who lived in a sin-free life, to stand in our place, to save us so we're not being punished, so God know for sure will forgive our sins and He welcome us with loving arms.

Now you know about Jesus and why He have to die for us humans... Because He loves you, He loves all people living on earth, He is always with you, and will never leave you.. For we Christians, we must know this, enjoy reading... GBU :D

Rabu, 11 Juli 2012


This word means to show your gratitude or show that you are really happy and thank you.... It's important to be thankful to God everytime you have good things in your life... Even if you had bad things in your life, you can be thankful too, that means God is testing you and pray to Him and ask for His helps to make you better... Just like me, today I'm really thankful because somene told me something and I was happy about it because my wish has became true... Thank God

So, every single good things that you had in your life is because of Him, so thank to Him, if you didn't get good things now, believe it you will, just wait because God will not disappoint you, He'll give the best for u... GBU

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012


Some people always get bored when they hear this, maybe because in their school or at Church they have to pray for a long time and they got bored and do something else instead keep praying.. praying is communicating with God, God is your very very first best friend and He is cannot be repplaceable, so if you don't pray well, he deffinetly will be sad, so I'm gonna tell you about how to pray well.. and some people's gonna ask like this..

Question : How do I start?
Answer : Praying is not as hard as you might think. What is hard is getting into the habit of talking with God everyday because you might be will get bored or anything. Start by picking a special time everyday, and think what are you going to say to Him like "I'm sorry" or "Thank you for today" or maybe when you in trouble "Please help me" Then tell him all those things. You don't have yo use fancy words, God will understand, even before you spell it God already know it, just talk to God like you're talking to your parents or best friend.

Question : Can I tell God anything?
Answer : Absolutely yes! There isn't a thing you could say to Him that would make him stop loving you. Tell Him when you're sad or grumpy and thank you to Him whem everything's going on your way. Talk to Him just like talking to your best friend, but you know what? your friends might let you down, your mom and dad might not always listen, but God, He will always listen, and He will always understand you.

Question : Do I fold my hands and close my eyes?
Answer : That's how to do it. You can pray while on your knees or when you're standing or you can pray while reading a book to look the word to pray. You can talk to God everytime and everywhere because He's always with you, He will never ever disappoint you, cause He is your best friend after all.

I hope it can help... GBU :D


For becoming true Christians, you have to follow the ABC, it's simple.. look downside if you want to know..

A - Admit
admit honestly to God that you and everyone on the earth are sinners and you must obey Him and love Him more than anything else..

B - Believe
believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son and died on the cross and became alive again. He died for everyone so eveyone can be forgiven and able to enter the Heaven

C - Confess
Confess your faith in Jesus. And broadcast about Jesus our saver to someone who hasn't become a true Christian yet or for those who doesn't have a relligion yet, or anyone...

See? it's simple... and also you can read the bible too, and every week you have to go to the church, it is important to help you grow in your life in Christ, and the most important thing is don't forget to pray to God, you can talk about your problems to Him and be grateful for what he gave to you... you can talk to Him anytime and anywhere.. He is always happy to listen :)

It's simple right? Just remember this and do it in your life, hope it can help... GBU :D

Becoming a Christian

Now you have to know how to become a Christian.. I mean a true Christian. I know when you're baptism that means you become one of the Christians, but that's not the point, being a true Christian is not just get baptism, then how????

Christian is someone who follows Jesus Christ.... And how do we become a true Christians?? It's simple, just remember this : ABC, and what is that?? check out my next post..... :D

First Post

Hi, I'm Giovanni.. First I don't know why I made this blog, as you know, I'm a christian, and I'll help you christians too to know about christian more by post things of course, and now enjoy read my blog... GBU always