Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Getting to know Jesus Christ

For Christians, you must know who is Jesus Christ, then i'll explain it for simple, look at the dialogue below..

Question : Who is Jesus Christ?
Answer : He is God's son, when Adam and Eve enter the world and disobeyed God, sins was born and we got something that we can't resist, and that is death. Then God sent His son Jesus christ to make thing right again. Jesus was bor about 2000 years ago and lived in the part of the world that now we call Holy Land. When Jesus was about thirty years old, he began to teach God's words and perform miracles to people. 3 or 4 years later, Jesus was nailed to a cross to die for us so our sins can be forgiven and when we die, we're able to enter the Heaven. When the people who loved Him went to His grave three days after His death, Jesus wasn't there. He came back to life just like what He said.

Question : Where is Jesus now?
Answer : Jesus is in Heaven with God, His father, after Jesus came back to life, God brought Him back to Heaven. But he didn't leave us alone in the earth. He sent His own spirit that what we call now Holy Spirit to encourage us when we feel like giving up, to help us care about other people when we sometimes don't feel like it, and to tell us taht Jesus will always love us.

Question : Why did Jesus have to die?
Answer : It was all part of God's great plan. You see, we all deserve to be punished because of our sins, but God loved us so much and He sent Jesus, who lived in a sin-free life, to stand in our place, to save us so we're not being punished, so God know for sure will forgive our sins and He welcome us with loving arms.

Now you know about Jesus and why He have to die for us humans... Because He loves you, He loves all people living on earth, He is always with you, and will never leave you.. For we Christians, we must know this, enjoy reading... GBU :D

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