Rabu, 11 Juli 2012


This word means to show your gratitude or show that you are really happy and thank you.... It's important to be thankful to God everytime you have good things in your life... Even if you had bad things in your life, you can be thankful too, that means God is testing you and pray to Him and ask for His helps to make you better... Just like me, today I'm really thankful because somene told me something and I was happy about it because my wish has became true... Thank God

So, every single good things that you had in your life is because of Him, so thank to Him, if you didn't get good things now, believe it you will, just wait because God will not disappoint you, He'll give the best for u... GBU

1 komentar:

  1. Nice one, Van. Blog lu banyak bener postnya. Gue aja baru dikit... tp udah banyak followers. (Detya)
